
Family: Narrow-winged damselflies

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Photos from the Familie Zygoptera coenagrionidae (Waterjuffers).

Below is an overview of all Species that I have photos of in my collection. Click on the images for more about the selected Family.

Argia moesta

Powdered dancer

Powdered dancer

Argia sedula

Blue-ringed dancer

Coenagrion puella

Azure damselfly


Coenagrion pulchellum

Variable damselfly

Variabele waterjuffer

Coenagrion scitulum

Dainty damselfly


Enallagma civile

Familiar bluet

Familiar bluet

Enallagma cyathigerum

Common blue damselfly


Erythromma najas

Red-eyed damselfly

Grote roodoogjuffer

Erythromma viridulum

Small red-eyed damselfly

Kleine roodoogjuffer

Ischnura elegans

Blue-tailed damselfly


Ischnura pumilio

Scarce blue-tailed damselfly

Tengere grasjuffer

Ischnura ramburii

Rambur's forktail

Pyrrhosoma nymphula

Large red damselfly


Telebasis salva

Desert firetail

Desert firetail